Find all commands and their usage here.
Enable/Disable 8D filter.
Enable/Disable bassboost filter
Clear All Current Filters
Enable/Disable Karoke filter
Enable/Disable Lowpass Filter
Enable/Disable Nightcore Filter
Enable/Disable Slowmode Filter
Enable/Disable Timescale Filter
Enable/Disable Vaporwave Filter
Clear the queue keeping the current song playing.
grab current playing song into your dm
connect me to your voice channel.
jumps to a specific track in queue
disconnect the bot from voice channel.
Set repeat mode for current track
Show the lyrics of current track
Show the currently playing song.
Pause the current track
Play a song by providing name.
Play previous song.
See currently playing queue list.
remove a song
remove a song
Replay the currently playing song.
Displays the bot's latency.
rewind to a specific time in the currently playing track
seek to a specific time in the currently playing track
shuffle queue.
skip to the next song.
Stop and disconnect bot
Adjusts the Volume of the Playback
Add a song to your saved playlists
Create your new playlist
Delete your saved playlist.
Get information about your playlist.
Show list of your playlists.
Play your saved playlists.
Remove a song from your saved playlist
Save a current playing song to your playlist
save the queue to your playlist.
Make bot 24/7 in voice channel.
Autoplay similar Songs.
Adjusts the default Volume of the Bot
Check your premium status
Activate/Deativate premium for your server.
Create Custom song requst channel
Get the bot lists of dj commands.
Set custom prefix for your server
restrict the bot to a specific channel
Set specific channel that the bot can only play songs.
Set And Remove dj roles
View Settings of current server
Enable/Disable Dj only commands
Displays all commands of the bot.
Invite Me Today!
Displays the bot's latency.